Hardwood Flooring
Fremantle Timber Traders are renowned for quality recycled and reclaimed milled timber flooring. We salvage beautiful West Australian hardwoods and re-work them into stunning hardwood flooring.

Classic recycled b82 x 19 Jarrah flooring from the Fort Knox wool store in Fremantle
Hardwood timber flooring
Our flooring is reworked with precision machining and the strictest of quality control to deliver solid recycled timber flooring. We supply recycled flooring which comes from houses and commercial buildings, which we bring back to our workshop and de-nail, clean the tongue and grooves and fault dock. Each house lot of flooring goes through this quality process.
All our flooring is guaranteed! Our quality process includes:
- 1Keeping our batches together - Our re-claimed flooring is not mixed up with different house lots. Tongue & Groove profiles can vary greatly. Each house is different and if you mix up house lots, it becomes a nightmare for the floor layer to install and reduces the quality of the finished product. This will often result in gaps and height differences.
- 2We measure floorboard thickness - Any less than 5mm above the Tongue may break under pressure after sanding. We measure the thickness of our floorboards (how much material above the tongue), which determines the life of your floor. If the floorboards are 5mm or less, we will not consider it / consider them unusable. It's not uncommon for tradesman to sell low quality timber which can cost you thousands and a lot of wasted time.
- 3Cleaning Tongue & Grooves - Grit & Varnish build up can prevent a clean join between floorboards. We clean the tongues and grooves of all our flooring, which makes for a nice fit.
- 4Correctly storing Floorboards - Wet floorboards will shrink after being laid. All our flooring is kept dry and out of the weather.
These simple quality checks can make a fundamental difference to the structural integrity of your timber flooring project. Re-claimed timber flooring is often rich with history and ensures no harm is done to our environment. With the right knowledge, this timber is perfect for creating eye catching modern or rustic living spaces.
We also cut to order flooring into any size from recycled timber, allowing for flooring in unusual sizes, giving you complete control over the look and feel of your hardwood floors. We work with a number of professional floor layers so we can quote to supply and our floor layers can quote to sand and seal.
Featured timber flooring in stock:

Tuart Flooring

Tuart is a first grade, A class eucalyptus native to Western Australia, which grows along Western Australia's coastal strip a little north of Perth. We have a large quantity of this timber available, please click on the button below or contact Terry for more information.

Recycled Jarrah Flooring

Jarrah is a popular and remarkably fire resistant and robust West Australian hardwood. Renowned for it's rich red colours that deepen over time, Jarrah is popular for interior design, but is also useful for a range of outdoor applications.

Marri Flooring

Marri is a native West Australian Eucalyptus which grows in the states South West. This tree contains thick gum which spreads throughout the heartwood, giving Marri it's distinct appearance.

Recycled Wandoo Flooring

Wandoo is a heavy duty, first class timber which is perfect for both indoor and outdoor applications. This timber finishes dark with an even, straight texture.

Recycled Blackbutt Flooring

Blackbutt timber has an even texture, usually with a straight, even grain, making this a popular timber for interior design and flooring. Blackbutt is also ideal for outdoor applications and structural projects.
Please contact Terry to discuss our complete range of flooring timber available.
How can we help?
Recycled Timber is readily available at our Fremantle Warehouse in Perth, in all shapes, sizes and forms - from Hardwood Slabs, Posts, Beams, Bush Poles, Gluts, Wharf Timber, Railway Sleepers, Stair Treads, Recycled timber flooring Perth to Re-milled Decking and more!
This is the result of years of hard work to salvage and recycle hardwood timber with the least possible damage, reclaiming wood that was originally milled between 50 – 150 years ago which has been dried with age, rather than kiln-dried.
This early timber is vastly superior in quality, compared with recently milled timber, as the colour, grain and texture of the wood has come about naturally over time. The character and patina simply cannot be matched.